National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives

Group Name
Description and Purpose of Group

NAPSR Member

(Bold indicates Chair/Lead)

​API 1104 Standards Task Group
API Standard.  Group considering revisions to the API 1104 welding standard.
David Price (OH)
API RP 1173 Pipeline Safety Management Systems (PSMS or SMS) Revisions Task GroupAPI group that will review the current edition of API RP 1173 and make recommendations for revisions or updates. Miranda Erich (IN), Lauren Govoni (VA), Kevin Speicher (NY)
API RP 1185 Public Engagement Task GroupAPI New Recommended Practice (RP) for engaging the public on large pipeline projects with potential public or environmental impact.Steven Giambrone (LA)
ASME B31Q Committee
American Society of Mechanical Engineers subcommittee.  ANSI-chartered subcommittee developing operator qualification standard ASME B31Q and adapting it for distribution systems.
Victor Omameh (OH), Alternate: Mary Zanter (SD)
ASTM F17 Plastic Piping Systems Task Group
F17.10 Fittings
Mary Zanter (SD)
​F17.11 Composite
Kevin Stillson (CO)
F17.20 Joining
Randy Snyder (OK)
F17.60 Gas
Mary Zanter (SD)
​F17.67 Trenchless Plastic Pipeline Technology
Robert Biggard (PA)
​F17.68 Energy Piping Systems
Vacant - (Covered by the other members).
Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law Grant Application Review Task Group (BIL Grants)Established by Congress in 2022 to assist municipalities, co-ops, and other non-profit gas operators with replacement of vintage gas pipelines. The Task Group will review the applications for the BIL Grants in conformance with the statute.Paul Kasper (NH), John Masiello (NJ)
Biogas/RNG Task GroupInternal NAPSR TG. Objective is to provide ongoing informational and other assistance to NAPSR and PHMSA on RNG/Biogas issues. Alex Kirschling (WI), Mary Zanter (SD), Steve Wood (NC), David Chislea (MI), Mike Purcell (OH)
Carbon Dioxide Team Task GroupWorks together with the PHMSA CO2 Team to review carbon dioxide issues and assist with efforts at regulations development. Also works on NAPSR internal CO2 issues.Michael Peikert (LA), Jim Hosler (Cal Fire)
​CGA (Best Practices Committee)
Common Ground Alliance.  Developing consensus-based best practices for excavation damage prevention.
Steven Giambrone (LA), Scott Marshall (VA)
CGA (Board of Directors)
Common Ground Alliance.  Multi-stakeholder damage prevention organization involved in R&D, data collection, best practices and education.
Melissa Holbrook (KY)
CGA (Data Reporting/Collection Committee)
Common Ground Alliance.  Collecting and analyzing excavation damage data via the DIRT tool for all stakeholder groups (Gas/liquid, phone, cable, electric, etc.).
Perry McCollom (WY)
CGA (Education & MMCC)
Common Ground Alliance.  Education & Marketing, Membership and Communications Committee.  Addresses education in damage prevention and addressing CGA membership issues.
Bryce Keener (TN)
CGA (Technology Committee)
​Common Ground Alliance.  Research and Development.  Identifying consensus-based practices for excavation damage prevention.
Eleanor Mundors (MI)
Compendium Task Group
Develop summary by state of local safety initiatives that exceed federal requirements.  Demonstrate the importance of maintaining a focus on specific local risks. Publishes the Compendium document on a 3-year cycle.
Juan Urena (NJ) Rob Horensky (PA), Jon Wolfgram (MN), Bill Jordan (VT)
Control Room Management (CRM) Team Task Group (with PHMSA)Works with PHMSA on review of regulations and issues related to operator control rooms and compliance with CRM regulations.Jim Searles (WV), Mark Herrin (TX)
Corrosion Control Team (PHMSA IBR Standards Review)Works with PHMSA on review of Corrosion Control standards incorporated by reference in Part 192.Kathleen McNelis (MO), Ted Wilkinson (TN), James Zhang (CPUC), Dennis Cramer (OH)
Distribution Inspection Form Task GroupNAPSR formed group to review existing inspection forms, Inspection Assistant and to assist with creating more consistent inspection forms. Established in November 2020.Mary Zanter (SD), Mary Friend (WV), Nathan Dore (ME), Perry McCollom (WY)
Distribution Team Task Group
Formed in August of 2019, this group replaces the DIMP Team and has a wider focus than on just DIMP, but also focuses on providing guidance for conducting inspections on distribution system as well as addressing ongoing risk and integrity management issues particular to distribution systems.Matt Smith (IL), Mike Purcell (OH), Kelly Everson (NV), Dan Nivison (CT), David Bishop (VA), Nathan Dore (ME), Daniel Trapp (AL), Andre Moses (NJ) Kevin Baumgardner (NE) Jessica Nesvold (CO) Greg Lago (WV), Mark Herrin (TX)
Gas Transmission Final Rule Implementation Team (GRIT)Formed October 2019 to assist with implementation of the final Gas Transmission & Gathering Line Rules by providing FAQs and other support.Lauren Govoni (VA), Mike Purcell (OH)
Gas Transmission Integrity Management Task GroupFormed in 2015 by PHMSA to review the existing Integrity Management Rule and recommend changes based on input from other entities. Also focuses on IA issues, FAQs, etc.Mary Friend (WV), Kevin Speicher (NY), Paul Penny (CPUC), Samuel Copeland (TX)
Gathering Line Task GroupOriginally began as the Gathering Line Task Group, then addressed the API New Gathering Line RP, now is a general task group that will address any Gathering Line issues.
Mary Friend (WV), Tim Wolf (MI), Jason Montoya (NM), Leo Haynos (KS), Kelly Phelps (OK), Stephanie Weidman (TX), Kevin Speicher (NY) Mike Chilek (PA)
​GPAC (Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee)
Formerly the ​Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (TPSSC). Discusses PHMSA rulemaking for Part 192 for gas pipelines and provides input. Formed per Congressional mandate, has representatives from industry, PHMSA, State Regulators, and other stakeholders.David Chislea (MI) (includes two other additional NAPSR Program Managers on a rotational basis for support purposes only.)
GPTC - Transmission & Distribution (Gas Piping Technology Committee)
ANSI-chartered stakeholder committee developing guidance on pipeline safety regulations.
Mary Friend (WV), John Kottwitz (MO),
Mike Purcell (OH), Karl Baker (CT), Randy Snyder (OK), Mike Evans (NV)
Grant Allocation/Strategic Planning Committee (5 year term, 3 year term for Chair)

NAPSR Standing Committee that has PHMSA members.  Addresses the allocation of federal grant funds that match a % of the amount a State spends on pipeline safety.

Karl Baker (CT - Eastern Region) 10/1/2020, (Chair Term renewed by vote on 10/5/2023) Matt Smith (IL - Central Region) 10/1/2023, Jason Montoya (NM - SW Region) 8/2/24, Scott Rukke (WA - Western Region) 6/1/2023, Melissa Holbrook (KY - Southern Region) 5/1/2020, Current NAPSR Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Past Chair

GTI Joint Industry Project on Plastic Pipe

Joint project to examine issues related to plastic pipe joining, materials and other issues in the gas industry. Includes stakeholders from PHMSA, NAPSR and industry.

Kevin Speicher (NY)

Hydrogen Task GroupFormed at the 2022 National Meeting in West Virginia. Team will explore facts and ongoing projects related to hydrogen blending, leak detection of hydrogen blends, effects on pipelines, etc. for NAPSR reference. Also works with PHMSA Hydrogen Team.Jeff Brooks (ID), Jonathan Wolfgram (MN), Matt Epuna (CPUC), Kevin Yearington (IA), Stephanie Weidman (TX), Greg Connolly (VA), Miranda Erich (IN) 
Inspection Assistant Team Task GroupWorks with PHMSA on developing Inspection Assistant forms and other components and obtains input from NAPSR for IA projects.Elizabeth Skalneck (MN)
​Legislative Committee (5 year term, 3 year term for Chair)
NAPSR Standing Committee.  Monitors, reviews, and responds to legislative issues as they affect the states' participation in gas and liquids pipeline safety programs.
Miranda Erich (IN) 1/11/2023, Kevin Speicher (NY) 9-1-2021, Stephanie Weidman (TX) 9/1/2021, Terence Eng (CPUC) 5/21/2021, Bryce Keener (TN) 10-15-2024.
Liaison Committee (5 year term; 3 year term for the Chair)
NAPSR Standing Committee.  Develops documents addressing federal regulatory issues, NAPSR resolutions, by-law revisions, and provides continuity in representation outside of NAPSR.
​John Clementson (MD) 10/1/2019, Steve Wood (NC) 10/1/23, Alex Kirschling (WI) 03/31/22; Stephanie Weidman (TX) 10/1/2019; Terence Eng (CPUC) 7/2/2021
Liquified Natural Gas Task Group (LNG)NAPSR internal committee directed at reviewing LNG regulations, siting concerns, state concerns with LNG plant maintenance and operations, and providing guidance for state inspection personnel and for operators looking at beginning operations. Works closely with NFPA No. 59A Committee Task Group. Alex Kirschling (WI), Bob Bailey (RI), Max Mueller (NY), Mario Tavolieri (MA), James Birch (MA), Phil Denton (MA), Bryce Keener (TN), Scott Marshall (VA). Scott Rukke (WA)
LPAC (Liquid Pipeline Advisory Committee)
Formerly known as the Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (THLPSSC). Formed by a Congressional mandate. Includes industy, PHMSA, NAPSR, and other stakeholders. Reviews hazardous liquid rulemaking and provides input.
Jonathan Wolfgram (MN), Jim Hosler (Cal Fire), Matt Smith (IL) 
LP Gas Task GroupTask Group objective is to monitor LP gas regulations and issues and develop training or assistance to the state programs for dealing with LP Gas inspections or enforcement. Two members are on the PHMSA LPG Team (bolded and italicized).Nathan Dore (ME), Bruce Benson (CT), Todd Stansbury (MN), Paul Maguire (NV), Bradley Taylor (NH) David Degler (MA), Bill Jordan (VT) - PHMSA Liaisons: Scott Marshall (VA), Kevin Dowling (CT)
NAPSR Website Administration
Provide for developing and enhancing NAPSR website.
Karl Baker (CT) Webmaster, Robert Clarillos (Administrative Manager) Web Administrator
​NARUC Staff Subcommittee on Pipeline Safety
Objective is to educate state commissioners on best practices within the state pipeline safety programs,  as well as administrative and financial concerns that serve the consumer's interest in seeking to improve pipeline safety regulations. The committee also focuses on issues pertaining to the safe transportation of hazardous products by pipelines.
Kari French (TX - Chair), Kevin Speicher (NY - Vice Chair), Dennis Fothergill (OK), Wayne Erickson (DE), John Clementson (MD), David Chislea (MI), Richard Enright (MA), Michelle Thebert (GA), Kevin Hennessy (OR), Mary Zanter (SD), Jason Montoya (NM), Paul Maguire (NV)​, Steve Wood (NC), Kathleen McNelis (MO), Brady Sargent (AZ), Miranda Erich (IN), Perry McCollom (WY), Alex Kirschling (WI)
NFPA 58 Technical Committee on LPG
National Fire Protection Association 58 Committee on Liquefied Petroleum Gas.  Government-industry stakeholder committee addresses revisions to the NFPA 58 Standard.
Kevin Dowling (CT) Scott Marshall (VA)
NFPA 59 Technical Committee on LPGNational Fire Protection Association 59 Committee on Liquified Petroleum Gas in Plants. Government-industry stakeholder committee addresses revisions to the NFPA 59 standard.Scott Marshall (VA) Nathan Dore (ME)
NFPA 59A Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Team Task GroupWorks with PHMSA LNG Team in efforts to develop the LNG Center of Excellence and LNG regulations and issues.Scott Marshall (VA), Jim Birch (MA), Alt: Phil Denton (MA)
​​PHMSA Community Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) Review Task Group
PHMSA established TG.  Review TAG applications and recommend projects for funding as part of PHMSA grant process.
Casey Hensley (CO)
Pipeline Safety Research and Development (R&D) Forum Working Group
PHMSA established TG. Articulate, clarify, and update industry and government pipeline research needs. Promote full disclosure of past and ongoing pipeline research addressing those needs. Assist with planning of PHMSA R&D Forum. Review R&D grants as necessary.
Matthewson Epuna (CPUC), Alan Borne (AZ)
PHMSA Carbon Dioxide TeamPHMSA established TG. Objective is to review carbon dioxide research and information to assist with CO2 regulation development. Working with PHMSA group to provide state program perspectives.Michael Peikert (LA), Jim Hosler (Cal Fire)
PHMSA IA TeamPHMSA established TG. Objective is to review IA system forms and processes and to work with the PHMSA Team on IA objectives.Elizabeth Skalneck (MN)
PHMSA Hazardous Liquids Integrity Management (IM) TeamPHMSA established TG. Objective is to review HL IM topics or issues and provide input for rulemaking. Established March 2021.Lauren Govoni (VA); Huy Nguyen (Cal Fire), Alternate: Scott Marshall (VA)
PHMSA Sponsored NFPA No. 59A LNG TeamAn NFPA Committee, however PHMSA solicited NAPSR participation for state input into LNG standards. Objective is to work with NFPA to review and/or update those LNG standards. Zentho White is PHMSA contact. Works closely with NAPSR LNG TG. Established October 2023.Scott Marshall (VA), Jim Birch (MA), Alternate: Phil Denton (MA)
PHMSA Public Awareness/Damage Prevention TeamPHMSA established TG. Objective is to work with appropriate entities on public awareness issues, assist with future reviews of APR Rp 1162, and to work with CGA and others on Damage Prevention issues. Stephanie Zuehlke is the PHMSA contact.Michelle Thebert (GA), Karley Brisbano (TX), Gregory Galle (LA)
PPDC (Plastic Pipe Database Committee)
Government-industry group collecting and reviewing plastic materials performance data.
Dan Tomasino (CT) for NARUC, Mary Zanter (SD) for NARUC, Neil Pascual (NV) Joey Bass (TX)
Plastics Task GroupGroup looks at general plastic pipe and fitting issues and may refer information to the PPDC or ASTM F17 Committee or PHMSA. Group is activated as needed.Mary Zanter (SD); Kevin Stilson (CO), Bob Biggard (PA), Randy Snyder (OK), Brandon Plourde (ME), Joshua Knox (OH), Christopher Domonkos (OH)
OQ Task Group
NAPSR members of Government-only task group led by PHMSA TQ.  Addressing outstanding regulatory issues having to do with Operator Qualification.
Kelly Phelps (OK), Victor Omameh (OH), Matt Smith (IL), Suresh Thomas (NY)
REPAIR (GTI Project from ARPA-E Grant)Rapid Encapsulation of Pipelines Avoiding Intensive Replacement is a 3 year project focused on developing new technologies to effectively restore a cast iron or bare steel pipe, while in service, from the inside."  
Kevin Speicher (NY), Juan Urena (NJ), Scott Marshall (VA), Michelle Thebert (GA), Brian Buchanan (MO), Matt Smith (IL)
Security Integrity Foundation (SIF) Advisory Group -Board of Directors
APGA established, separate organization.  Provide regulatory inputand viewpoints in regard to municipal gas system initiatives.
Kathleen McNelis (MO), Kevin Speicher (NY), Jamie Burns (LA) Michelle Thebert (GA). Bryce Keener (TN)